Stainless steel conical, dry product cyclone feed hopper.
Hopper dimensions of 32" OD x 30" deep, with flip off cover bolt down cover.
3-1/2" OD top sanitary port and 2" OD side port.
(2) AMETEK DREXELBROOK Explosionproof and Ignitionproof level detectors.
1/6 HP Bodine Gearmotor bottom product assist agitation discharge flow drive.
12" OD flanged bottom pneumatic butterfly valve with Watchman Valve position Transmitter.
(8) 3/4" bolts on 4" centers with 6"OD discharge port.
Looks to be above mounted feeder with (4) threaded mounting rods.
Cyclone feed hopper
42" L x 36" W x 50" H