Automatic shrink bundler with Model MP204060 shrink tunnel.
Rated from 5 to 15 packages per minute - depending on materials and application.
Package size range: length unlimited; width up to 36" and height up to 20".
Accepts film web up to 37" in width.
Equipped with impulse heat sealing jaws and photo switch product sensor.
OAD: 90" L x 84" W x 90" H Bundler
Great Lakes Model MP204060, shrink and cooling tunnel system
Single zone shrink tunnel with 44" in Width; 24" in Height total aperture.
132" long x 39" wide Teflon belt conveyor.
Control panels have heat seal jaws, shrink and cooling tunnel start / stop buttons
with tunnel temperature controller and e-stop.
Mounted on heavy duty frames.
Great Lakes, Model 70937 & MP204060
Model 70937: 107 & Model MP204060: 545