Automatic left to right case erector, bottom sealer.
Rated from 5 to 30 case per minute - depending on materials and application.
Case size range: 5-3/4" to 24" in Length 5-3/4" to 24" in Width; 10" to 33" in Depth.
Capable of handling HSC and HSC with built in divider, RSC, AFM, FOL and wax coated cases.
Equipped with 28" long hand crank adjustable blank case magazine.
Mechanical pic-n-place and case erecting section.
Hot melt glue unit, with bottom major and minor flap closers.
Single ram arm compression section.
Pneumatic height adjustable mast.
Gast vacuum pump.
on /off mast up / down start, stop, e-stop controls, with running status light.
Mounted on base frame with leveling legs.
McDowell, Model 201RH
102" L x 96" W x 66" H