Automatic, servo driven, horizontal wrapper.
Rated from 60 to 150 packages per minute - depending on materials and application.
Package size range: 3.35" to 23.6" in Length x up to 10" in Width x up to 5.90" in Height.
Equipped with stainless steel contact parts
Servo controls,
2 product in feed conveyors, into lugged feed conveyor set on 12" centers.
Dual film arbors with splice station, film registration.
Bottom fin seal wheels has a water cooled long seam dead plate.
1-up, 11" Long x 1-1/4" Thick serrated hot knife box motion cross cut seal jaw.
Flip up, shut off safety guarding.
A/B servo controls has swing arm touch pad controller with Panel view.
Film spec's: Maximum of 17-3/4" reel width, 19" diameter and 3" OD core.
Mounted on steel it base frame with casters.
Rose Forgrove, Model Integra 602
50525; 50526