Automatic, horizontal, servo driven, flow wrapper
Rated from 100 to 300 packages per minute - depending on materials, application and number of heads.
Product size range: 2" to 8" long x 3" to 6" wide with proper change parts.
Currently set with 1 up, 7" long x 1" Thick rotating sealing jaw with hot knife cut off.
Fin seal wheels,
Dual film arbors, 17" long film rolls with 3" OD cores, and automatic splice station.
Control panel has A/B CPU with swing arm panel view.
Photo eye registration, push button stop/start, jog, registration, and jaw heat control switches.
(3) belt servo-driven smart belt infeed conveyors 60" 40" and 20" long
(2) 1/4" wide Eagle belts each.
48" lugged product feed conveyor thru forming head with 1" H lugs on 10" center.
36" long x 4" wide white neoprene product discharge conveyor with 33" discharge height.
Mounted on base frame with leveling legs.
Sig, Model HSM
V-190-HSM-004; V-190-HSM-003