Variable speed, frequency drive controller capable of maintaining control over torque and speed regulation.
Rated capacity: 15hp - 40hp. Input 3/60/460v 61amp. Output 3/60/240v 55amp.
Has push button controls with LCD display, operates with or without encoder feedback,
capable of producing 200% torque at speeds as low as 0.4 Hz and torque ripple as low as 2%,
provides programmable slip compensation, can digitally lock two motor shafts together,
ability to switch on-the-fly between speed and torque control or position modes,
110% continuous current overload rating (150% for up to two minutes),
torque setting +/- 250% of rated torque, and operable in ambient temperatures of 14F to 104F (humidity of 95%, non-condensing).
Designed for DC drives or AC drives.
Toshiba, Model TOSVERT 130
24"L x 18"W x 12"H